As what you've noticed, there are a lot of business opportunists in some famous social networking sites like Facebook, Friendster, Twitter and MySpace. Selling clothes, bags, perfumes, gadgets, and other stuffs had spurt that flooded your home page.
But there are alternatives in earning money on the internet that most people don't know. Lesser the stress and hassle from getting your consignment not to be sold or even paying the freight just to convince a customer that "freight and delivery are already FREE".
The only qualification here is have tons of ideas and words to say from a certain topic and perseverance to write, then you're in!
Here are some of the sites that I'm currently in, that gave me an opportunity to be a writer on my own little way.

Posting your Blogs are also one of their features and also doing some tasks from other users in exchange of a fee. The best part is, you earn money while you enjoy your time sharing ideas and opinions to others.
If you are interested to be part of MyLot, just click my link: http://www.mylot.com/?ref=lamb_16

One of my favorite feature is putting ads on your web-page and customize it with different widgets to fit your ads with your topic to your blog. The best part is, you can earn while having these ads because the people who will read it and happened to click your ads the more earnings you get. Earnings vary on the number of clicks you get from a certain reader. Of course, you cannot cheat your earnings by clicking your own ads, mind you that Blogger has a system that determines cheaters.
To follow my blogs just simply click: http://lambloggers.blogspot.com

PayBox.me is the newest site that I tried and still curious of what this site has to offer. Started on September 1, 2010, PayBox reached 100,000 EarlyBird users in a matter of two months. The goal is to "open the box" which aims to reach 2 to 5 million users which means providing everything you would find in a full-featured payment processor:
- Debit cards linked to PayBox accounts.
- Easily buy and sell using your PayBox account.
- Easily send and receive money using your PayBox account.
- Purchase from nearly any online merchant.
- Withdraw to nearly any bank account world-wide.
- Possibly withdraw to other online payment processors.
- In-exchange from any major world currency.
- Out-exchange to any major world currency.
Its a wonderful Blog. If you are looking to create or increase your income, online affiliate marketing is the way to go…it has definitely become one of the best opportunities available on the internet today.