Individuals we are, many were just seemed to be like a star. People are everywhere as we could see; YOU, THEM, SHE, HE, US, and ME are totally different from each other.
Others would see someone as to be different for they have their own opinion to say. Like the famous quote which is a TV commercial line “First impression lasts…” isn’t it true? or just a mere superficial!
How about this quote, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover…” Does it coincide with the first one? These simple words can be express by your own understanding, yet some would just conclude you on their own at their first glance.
It’s frustrating to know that only a few can stand by its own way. People would just look at you according to what they see and hear. But basically, its their opinion if they see you as arrogant or a hypocrite in the first time. So be it in their minds! For they see also themselves as that!!!
It sound so ridiculous but it’s really true. Most of them are in so called “HIGHEST FORM OF PERSONALITY BUT AN EMPTY SHELL” or should say IDIOTS!!!
Don’t be a victim with these kind of people for they would just make you down… in other words DON’T JUST TRUST SOMEONE…
Here are some tips, to be more aware of those around you.
- Find yourself a time to be free.
- Understanding to others’ opinion is one way of learning.
- Count your fingers NOT your friends.
- Kindness is one of the best tool to be loved by everbody.
- You are the only YOU in this world so live for the best.
- Organize your thought and focus on what you are doing.
- Unite with God on your own special way.
- Cherish every moment with family and friends.
- Help others as long as you can.
- Everybody has the right to be themselves.
- Share what you have, not just to be selfish.
- Thank someone who did something good to you!
- Encourage yourself to be you, not to be arrogant.
- Respect others, if you wanted to be respected.
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